Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Well now I just feel silly.

Over a year since this poor blog was created and what to show for it? 3 measly, rather ridiculous posts (if they can even be called that). But I've come crawling back. For more torture. No, I just keep getting the pulls to start up another blog for some reason. But! There is a small, teensy roadblock. To say my life is uninteresting is an understatement. That, and mix it with flaky hobbies that have never taken off, and you get what can be called my sad existence.
Alright, let's not be so depressing. I do love my life and what God has so graciously done for me so far. As for this blog however... See, I have my ideas. And my interests. And the urge to spew nonsense about it all. Sounds like the perfect formula for a blog, no? Well, I sure hope so.

So. What do I want to blog about? Good question. Let me just start off with what I'm interested in, and hopefully the list won't be so long that it's falling off the page. Kidding, I'll just sum it up in a short list. Fashion, art (of many sorts, i.e. dolls and drawing, to name a few), films, makeup/beauty, and sewing. My, that's quite an assortment. Is it too much for a single blog to handle? Hard to say. I suppose I won't actually know for certain unless I give it a whirl. Let me rephrase that: an ACTUAL whirl. None of this half-baked, squeezing an obligatory "It's been a while!" out of my derrière every couple of months to a year, type of effort.

Yes, I should be positive and tell myself that this time will be different and I'll keep up. Unfortunately I can't make any promises or guarantees, even to myself. Which sounds awfully sad, now that I read back. But in any case, I shall definitely try. Try, to build this budding baby blog (alliteration, ter-her) into an amazing masterpiece that will be found and followed for it's great content and witty humor, bringing life to everyone's dull days, put up on a blog's Wall-of-Fame, where a photo of it will be encased in a golden frame complete with personalized carvings, and when walking down the red carpet of blogs, everyone will turn to gaze upon its recognizable features and know it's name, and I'll be walking right alongside, posing for pictures, tears of joy welling up in my eyes like a mother on her child's graduation day. None of which I truly mean, but I do hope to get the ball rolling soon because I miss blogging. And in no way do I think this blog will ever get more than a few random stumblers, but I'm just fine with that. It's more of just a place where I can throw my thoughts down, and keep it collected in one (somewhat) organized space.

Now, I believe I've rambled enough for one post and it's nearing 2am, so I shall bring this to a close and leave you (whoever that may be) with one final thought.
I leave back to my university in about 2 and a half weeks. I'm both excited and nervous. But mostly excited. With pretty much equal parts nervous. So whatever I just said, scratch it. I'm excited AND nervous. Phew.

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