Saturday, April 10, 2010

So here's the thing.

To be quite honest, I don't have the slightest idea why I actually created this blog. I think the intent was that I would just use it for daily musings and rants of the sort (other than fashion-related, although my last post seems to have overruled that). However, as you can tell, that never really happened. Laziness? Being busy? Perhaps both. Hopefully that will change, at least a tad, to the point where I'll post randomly every now and then. I don't want my posts to be anything like a summary of recent events, because when that happens, I begin to feel obligated to talk about everything that went down during the day, weekend, week, what have you, which in turn makes it not so enjoyable to blog anymore. So random it will be.
On that note, lately I've realized that my weekends are amazing. I get to hang out with the most awesome people as well as do things that are so much fun. When it's Monday, I literally dread the next 4 or 5 days that I must endure before it's weekend again. It seems like an exaggeration, but it's hardly that. I go through the week, longing for the weekend to finally roll around. Personally, weekends are what make the weekdays possible to get through. It's just a bit depressing when you think about it, not to mention it makes it feel like the weeks are going by extremely fast (or maybe that's just because I only have about 2 months left of high school). At any rate, I have a feeling that once I finally reach the long, awaited summer vacation, things will only get worse from there. We shall see.

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