Thursday, July 28, 2011

Current Thoughts/Ideas

I'm going to start off by talking about my extreme reluctance to finishing my drivers education. I know I should have my license by now but it just never happened, so here I am. The one I'm taking is online so honestly it's pretty simple. However. So time consuming. And not to mention painfully boring. I'm inching along at snail's pace (currently chapter 4, part 2, out of 9 chapters total) but I, without a doubt, need to step it up if I want to finish before I leave. Which I do. Speaking of things I need to finish, there are 7 book covers hanging out on my floor that are in need of being run through the sewing machine..

On to a more interesting topic. So, I watch a lot of YouTube. It truly takes over any leisure time I might have, and I am unashamed. In addition to the plethora of beauty videos I watch on a regular basis, I also keep up with various Kpop things, one more recently being dance covers and tutorials. I have, for the longest time, wanted to learn dances and such but I never got around to committing much time (story of all of my hobbies' lives). Watching these videos sparked the interest once more unfortunately. I just need to randomly decide to get up and learn everything one day or something.

Another thing I want to start up is making videos. Naturally, watching them makes me want to try my hand at it. I don't believe it'll happen any time soon, but hopefully in the near future. Mainly because I haven't got any plans on what I would like to film. I'm leaning mostly towards starting off with tutorials and grouping inspired looks together as series/themes. I think it's important that I build my makeup collection first though. I'm thinking of purchasing a Bh Cosmetics 120 palette for a broad range of colors. Also a Sigma brush set. Perhaps both will happen once I get back to working and receiving some kind of money flow, and I would also need to develop some kind of filming set-up when I move into my new apartment.

I'm hoping also, when I move I can give some more attention to my poor Bisou-Ai doll who has been spending his days lying on my desk, practically neglected. Now that he has a proper wig and eyes, he's just missing a face-up. And some more clothing. But there's just too much going on at the moment to even think about getting materials gathered and set up, let alone starting any projects.

That reminds me. I need to start cleaning and packing extremely soon. I reckon it'll take ages to figure out what I'm taking, what to chunk out, and what's staying behind to collect dust.
Too much to do, so little time. And as a random side note, I want to change this blog's layout. It's too bland for me.

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