Thursday, November 5, 2009


The disease has struck once again and has shown no mercy. Hmm, reality? Care to kick my butt into gear?
On the flip-side, I've actually been posting my outfits on Chictopia somewhat regularly (lookie here!), so that's something. However, the photos are completely craptastic and I've been much too lazy to post anything of worth on my blog. Icanhasdigitalcameraplz? And maybe some more time while you're at it. I could use a bit more of that. (read: a LOT more) Really though, I feel as if I don't have the time to do much of anything anymore. Yet I still insist on wasting the time I do have. Perfect example right here! I have English homework I still need to complete but ever since I got home, I've been on the interweb. Oh, what a dilemma. Not really, I'm just a tard who can't manage my time.
That aside, I should rummage through my closet and decide what I want to wear tomorrow. In Fashion Design we were told we would do mock interviews of some nature so I need to be dressed accordingly. My portfolio has been lacking attention though, and it is part of the interview. Hopefully I won't be in too much trouble; I was out last class and found out about this through my classmate only today.
New episode of Project Runway in about 35 minutes. I've been a little frustrated with this show only because I, for one, don't think Christopher (aka Drama Queen/I'm-gonna-cry-every-time-I'm-in-the-bottom-two guy) should still be in the running. I don't understand why they continue to save him; he's been in the bottom, how many weeks in a row? I actually had high hopes for him in the beginning after his winning dress but every week after that did not impress me at all. We shall see in this next episode however.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mac and cheese. and weenies.

So I made a blog where I could just spew ramblings about life and other stuffs. :D Now I can just use the other one for fashion, just like my original intent.